Textbook Returns & Clearances

**All textbooks and library books must be returned and all fines paid before the end of the year.**

If you have any questions please contact:

Librarian - C. Flemmer at Ext. 39208 or email cflemmer@vvuhsd.org 

Library Clearances:

Being clear with the library includes having no outstanding library or textbooks, or unpaid fines. A clearance is done for withdrawing students, athletics, cheerleading, drama productions, and any other activities requiring a "try-out" procedure. A clearance is required for graduating seniors. For further information, please refer to the VVUHSD Administrative Regulations A.R. 6162.2 under the Student Materials Regulations tab.


All textbooks and library books must be returned and all fines paid BEFORE you are allowed to pick up your diploma. Notices are sent out 1st & 2nd semester alerting seniors who owe. Seniors stop by the library if you are unsure if you're clear. You can also check your online Destiny account.